Have Fun! Stay relaxed and try not to be nervous and tense. Remember that this is a great hobby and it’s supposed to be fun not stressful. The VE team is here to make it as easy as possible for you. We want you to succeed.

Test Grading

All tests will be graded by the VE team at the test session. Don’t leave. You will find out your results the same night. You will also receive written confirmation of each element that you pass and may be required to fill out additional paperwork for a license upgrade. Do not leave the area until you receive permission from a member of the VE team.

Collect All Materials

You should not leave the test site with any materials, other than what you brought with you and any CSCE(s) any other material that is provided to you by the VE team.


Sorry, but unfortunately this needs to be said. Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are found cheating on any exam, regardless of how you are doing on the test, the exam will be terminated immediately and you will be issued a failing grade. Your test fee is forfeited and you will be asked to leave the test site. If a candidate is found cheating on one element, all previously passed elements may be marked as failed.


If you plan to use a calculator please show it to one of the VE’s before you begin your exam. 
Handheld or portable computers, smartphones, PDA’s, may not be used during any exam. Please check with a member of the VE Team if you are unsure whether your particular device may be used.

Clear the Desks

Put any books or papers away and off the desks during the exams.

Keep It Quiet

During the exams please try to keep things quiet. Turn off all electronic devices (radios, pagers, cell phones, watches, etc.) that may distract other candidates. No Talking, Please. Be considerate to your fellow candidates.

Rest Breaks

Between exams you may use the rest rooms, get a drink or go outside for a smoke break. Smoking is not permitted in the building or within fifty feet outside the building. Please let the VE team know when you leave the test area.

Mother Nature or Other

If you must leave the room for any reason during an exam, your test must be turned in to a VE and it will be graded immediately, as is. Sorry no exceptions.

 Multiple Test Attempts

Your test fee allows one attempt at each test element. You may take elements in any sequence.
At the sole discretion of the VE Team (usually based on the volume of applicants and the time remaining) you may be allowed to take a failed element a second time. You will be given a different version of the failed exam element and a second test fee will be assessed.