We are looking for VHF, UHF, HF voice, HF CW and Winlink operators on both Friday and Saturday. New Hams and those wishing to gain Auxcomm experience are welcome. Please use the link below to sign up. Sign up here
Regular Activities
General Membership Meeting at the EOC and on Google Meets on the first or second Monday of the month See calendar below
Digital and Voice checkin NET every Monday night at 8pm on the VHF Repeater 147.180 (+600 kHz) PL 3A (127.3)
Other News
Wearables as discussed by Jim Nelson
The new RACES wearables are available. Please complete the form located here and make payment to the treasurer. Your wearable will be placed in production when payment is received. Checks should be made out to RACES. Cash is also accepted. To mail payment please use this address: RACES Treasurer 1303 N. Milwaukee Av. Libertyville, IL 60048-1308
Our team from the Bank of America Chicago Marathon at Course Medical Tent 14.
L to R: Ben, Marc Pierre, Brenda, Duane, Kenn, Les